How recent Facebook Changes Benefit Your Business

Did you notice that Facebook recently made a few notable tweaks to how your business pages looks and feels?

With changes on social networking sites not really coming as a surprise given that they’re so frequent, the most recent update might surprise you but actually has huge benefits for businesses – which helps the social media element of your marketing relevant and useful for your company.

But what are these changes??? Well here at Dentons we have pin pointed these for you. We’re good like that!!

Firstly there is Page Layout

The first and most notable change is that of the page layout. Take a look below and you’ll see an image of what an old business profile looked like.



Page Layout

Following me so far? Great! Then let’s take a look at the changes to the page layout …

First of all, your business profile picture has been moved to the left of the screen, creating some space between this and your cover photo. The result? It makes the cover photo larger and more visible. Below you can see what a new page looks like



Does your cover photo still look good after the changes? Has it transferred over correctly and is it well optimised? Put simply, your cover photo is now more important than ever, as you obviously have more space to play with.


There’s no denying the power of a good call-to-action (such as ‘Shop Now’ or ‘Call Us’). Thanks to Facebook’s changes, your call-to-action is now much larger and has been moved to the bottom right of the cover shot. Our tip? Make sure you’re using the appropriate call-to-action for your business.

Page Navigation

In an effort to make steering your way around Facebook easier than ever, you’ll now find your page navigation to the left of your cover photo, which also gives your cover photo more breathing space and makes your Like button much more visible.

Reviews, Maps, Videos and Images

The Reviews, Maps, Videos and Images section has also been moved, and now has a new column which is situated at the right hand side of your timeline. The benefit? This streamlined look clears up plenty of space, with the recent re-jigging ensuring Facebook works much better for your business.

Algorithmic Changes

There have also been major changes to Facebook’s algorithm.

Research has found that Facebook users are much more likely to share text-only posts by their friends than content produced by business pages. So far, so obvious. Only when a business introduces a canny image or interesting video do they see results. The upshot? Facebook deem the use of images and videos essential to extend your reach and improve traffic to your site.

GIFs and Videos

With text-only content from business pages seemingly falling into the abyss, it means a potentially large drop in engagement and traffic – so what are you waiting for? Get creative. What the consumer wants, the consumer should get. Witty GIFs and quirky video content will grab the attention of your audience AND the hierarchy at Facebook, who have also stated that the use of links will contribute to a post’s success. Embedding a link, rather than pasting a link into your post, however, will make the most noticeable difference.

Embracing Change

Overall, the benchmark has been set by Facebook, and it’s now down to you to embrace these changes and suitably optimise your page. Create networks through links, add relevant images and link videos directly from your website. Your perception should change, and by reacting effectively to these changes, you’re ensuring a better future for your company’s Facebook page.


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