Email set up on Windows Outlook

Last Updated

A note before you start: Outlook is a paid licenced software that can be downloaded & set up on your computer. On your Windows computer, the icon should look similar to this one.

You can find the software by clicking the start button on the bottom left of your screen and typing ‘Outlook’ to see if you have it installed.

If you can’t find Outlook on your computer, not to worry – all new Windows computers have a free version called Windows Mail. You can find the tutorial to set up Windows Mail here:

Click File…

Click Add Account…

The Outlook wizard for setting up a new account will open. Here, we’ve created an example email

  1. Enter an email address to add your account.
  2. Click Advanced options and check the box for Let me set up my account manually.
  3. Click Connect.

Choose the account type IMAP.

Fill in the following settings: 

  • Incoming mail: 
    Server: (here, we’ve used ours;
    Choose port 993 and check the Encryption method as SSL/TLS
  • Outgoing mail: 
    Server: (again, we’ve filled in ours here as 
    Choose port 465 and check the Encryption method as SSL/TLS.

Fill in the password field and click Connect.

Your account will be added & you can click Done to use it as usual. 

If any errors pop up, please ensure you have left no spaces at the end of any fields and have spelt everything correctly.

Outlook 2016 will now sync with your new email account.

Running into trouble setting up your account?
